Ликопин: самое полезное вещество в мире?

Автор: ТС Луома


Далее встает вопрос дозировки ликопина. Рекомендация для получения оптимального эффекта составляют 25 мг в день или более – это около 800 грамм томатов, что довольно много для получения ликопина из природных источников.

Данная информация оставляет нам два варианта. 

1) Ешьте много томатной пасты и делайте это ежедневно, тем самым повышая шансы получения хоть какого-то количества ликопина. 
2) Принимайте ликопин в форме добавки.

Melanie Caseiro, et al. Lycopene in Human Health, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 29 March, 2020.
V. Kalai Selvan, et al. Lycopene's Effects on Health and Diseases, Natural Medicine Journal, March 2011 Vol. 3 Issue 3.
Ping Chen, et al. Lycopene and Risk of Prostate Cancer A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Aug;94(33): 31260.
J Athen Lane, et al. ProDiet: A Phase II Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of Green Tea Catechins and Lycopene in Men at Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer, Cancer Pres Res. 2018 Nov;11(1): 687-696.
Ying Wang, et al. Lycopene, tomato products and prostate cancer-specific mortality among men diagnosed with nonmetastatic prostate cancer in the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort, Int J Cancer, 2016 June 15;138 (12):2846-55.
Ping Chen, et al. Lycopene and Risk of Prostate Cancer A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Medicine (Baltimore). 2015 Aug;94(33): 31260.
J Athen Lane, et al. ProDiet: A Phase II Randomized Placebo-controlled Trial of Green Tea Catechins and Lycopene in Men at Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer, Cancer Pres Res. 2018 Nov;11(1): 687-696.
Ying Wang, et al. Lycopene, tomato products and prostate cancer-specific mortality among men diagnosed with nonmetastatic prostate cancer in the Cancer Prevention Study II Nutrition Cohort, Int J Cancer, 2016 June 15;138 (12):2846-55.
Rebecca E Graff, et al. Dietary lycopene intake and risk of prostate cancer defined by ERG protein expression, Am J Clin Nutr. 2016 Mar;103(3): 851-860 
JL Rowles, et al. Increased dietary and circulating lycopene are associated with reduced prostate cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 2017 Dec;20(4):361-377.
Jinyao Chen, et al. Lycopene/tomato consumption and the risk of prostate cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies, J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 2013,59(3):213-23.
Yulan Wang, et al. Effect of Carotene and Lycopene on the Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies, PLoS One. 2015;10(9).
Rhona A Beynon, et al. Investigating the effects of lycopene and green tea on the metabolome of men at risk of prostate cancer: The ProDiet randomised controlled trial, Int J Cancer. 2019 Apr 15;144(8):1918-1928.
Ke Zu, et al. Dietary lycopene, angiogenesis, and prostate cancer: a prospective study in the prostate-specific antigen era, J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Feb;106(2):dt430.
Li Nang, et al. Lycopene exerts anti-inflammatory effect to inhibit prostate cancer progression, Asian J Androl. 2019 Jan-Feb;21(1):8085.
Mohhamed M. Rafi, et al. Lycopene modulates growth and survival associated genes in prostate cancer, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, Vol 24, Issue 10, October 2013, Pages 1724-1734.
S. Ellinger, et al. Tomatoes and lycopene in prevention and therapy–is there an evidence for prostate diseases? Akutelle Urol. 2009 Jan;40(1):37-43.
L Chen, et al. Oxidative DNA damage in prostate cancer patients consuming tomato sauce-based entrees as a whole-food intervention, J Natl Cancer Inst. 2001 Dec 19;93(24):1872-9.
Danbin Li, et al. MicroRNA-let-7f-1 is induced by lycopene and inhibits cell proliferation and triggers apoptosis in prostate cancer, Molecular Medicine Reports, February 2, 2016.
Ingvild Paur, et al. Tomato-based randomized controlled trial in prostate cancer patients: Effect on PSA, Clin Nutr 2017 Jun;36(3):672-679.
T Bureyko, et al. Reduced growth and integrin expression of prostate cells cultured with lycopene, vitamin E and fish oil in vitro, Br J Nutr. 2009 Apr;10(7):990-7.
Lei Wan, et al. Dietary tomato and lycopene impact androgen signaling- and carcinogenesis-related gene expression during early TRAMP prostate carcinogenesis, Cancer Prev Res. 2014 Dec;7(12):1228-39
Nayan Kumar Mohanty, et al. Lycopene as a chemopreventive agent in the treatment of high-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia, Urol Oncol. Nov-Dec 2005;23(6):383-5.

Источник: t-nation.com


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