В федерации NPC/IFBB Pro новые критерии судейства женских категорий

Автор: ironman.ru


(фото NPC & IFBB Pro league Women's Chairperson Sandy Williamson)

На официальном сайте федерации NPC/IFBB Professional League  обнародованы новые критерии судейства женских категорий для атлетов, выступающих на соревнованиях под эгидой данной организации. Изменения коснулись трех дивизионов соревновательного пула для женщин:  Bikini, Figure, Womens Physique. Внешний вид спортсменок, величина и качество мускулатуры, прочие критерии озвучила председатель лиги Сэнди Уильямсон (Sandy Williamson):


1.    Criteria for Judging Female Physiques


a.    Muscularity - the amount of muscle will vary between the divisions

b.    Condition - will vary depending on the division

c.    Symmetry and Balance

d.    Presentation (Posing)


2.    Bikini

a.    Bikini athletes should display:

(1)    A foundation of muscle which gives shape to the female body;

(2)    Full round glutes with a slight separation between the hamstring and glute

(3)    Small amount of roundness in the delts;

(4)    Conditioned Core; and

(5)    Overall look - hair, makeup, suit and tan.

b.    Bikini athletes should NOT display:

(1)    Muscular density seen in a Figure physique;

(2)    Squared glutes;

(3)    Muscle separation seen in Figure competitors;

(4)    Graininess; or

(5)    Striations anywhere


3.    Figure

a.    Figure athletes should display:

(1)    An overall balance of muscular development which includes rounded delts,
sweep to the quads, back depth, and width - emphasis is on balance and

(2)    Small amount of muscle separation;

(3)    A nice “V” taper;

(4)    Tight glutes with separation between the hamstring and glute area; and

(5)    Balance between the upper and lower body.

b.    Figure athletes should NOT display:

(1)    Striations or graininess; or

(2)    Muscularity thickness associated with Women’s Physique


4.    Women’s Physique

a.    Women’s Physique athletes should display:

(1)    More muscular density than seen in Figure;

(2)    Clear muscle separation - small amount of striations is acceptable;

(3)    Emphasis is on muscular development with full muscle bellies; and

(4)    Muscular development should be balanced between upper and lower body.

b.    Women’s Physique athletes should NOT display:

(1)    An overly striated physique; or

(2)    Graininess associated with female bodybuilding.




Источник: https://ironman.ru


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