Пять законов метаболизма
MacLean, Paul S., Audrey Bergouignan, Marc-Andre Cornier, and Matthew R. Jackman. Biology's response to dieting: the impetus for weight regain. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 2011 Sep; 301(3): R581–R600.
Energetics of Obesity and Weight Control
Schoeller DA, Buchholz AC. Energetics of obesity and weight control: does diet composition matter? Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 2005 May;105(5 Suppl 1):S24-8.
Macronutrient Satiety and Thermogenics
Hermsdorff HH, Volp AC, Bressan J. Macronutrient profile affects diet-induced thermogenesis and energy intake. Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion, 2007 Mar;57(1):33-42.
Johnston, Carol S., PhD, FACN, Carol S. Day, MS, and Pamela D. Swan, PhD. Postprandial Thermogenesis Is Increased 100% on a High-Protein, Low-Fat Diet versus a High-Carbohydrate, Low-Fat Diet in Healthy, Young Women. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 21, No. 1, 55–61 (2002).
Tremblay A, Pelletier C, Doucet E, Imbeault P. Thermogenesis and weight loss in obese individuals: a primary association with organochlorine pollution. International Journal of Obesity, 2004 Jul;28(7):936-9.
Kadooka Y, Sato M, Imaizumi K, Ogawa A, Ikuyama K, Akai Y, Okano M, Kagoshima M, Tsuchida T. Regulation of abdominal adiposity by probiotics (Lactobacillus gasseri SBT2055) in adults with obese tendencies in a randomized controlled trial. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2010 Jun;64(6):636-43.
Williams, Roger. Biochemical Individuality: The Basis for the Genetotrophic Concept (John Wiley & Sons, 1956; University of Texas Press, 1969 to 1979; Keats Publishing, 1998, ISBN 0-87983-893-0)
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